Wednesday, February 27, 2008

"Open Source" approach to motorcycle riding

So I want to take an open approach to helping people become better riders. I have met several people that don't know the basics and really don't understand the advanced stuff. I am on the lookout for some experienced riders who are good instructors that wouldn't mind giving some tips to new riders before going out on a guided ride.

I already have a small group going this Sunday and I am bringing two very experienced riders with me to help give a quick 30 min overview of riding in the canyons. We will be departing the Hollywood area Sunday morning at 9AM headed for the Rock Store on Mulholland Dr. There is no reason why anyone should have to attempt to ride the canyons by themselves for the first time. This ride will be pretty tame with some fairly easy roads.

If you want to join us leave a comment with your email address and I will send you the information. Don't worry I am moderating all comments and will not publish your email address. All types of bikes and riding levels are invited to join. There is no cost at all to be a part of this. It is open to everyone! Hence the "Open Source" part.

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